In December SCC faced an unexpectedly large and front loaded reduction of their Revenue Support Grant, a cut which was made less severe when the Minister had a change of mind in February and granted some transitional relief funding. However, and despite the slightly improved grant settlement, SCC still has to make major savings and efficiencies in 2016/2017 as well as use over £17milion of the Council’s reserves.
SCC’s Budget
It is a serious financial situation but, unfortunately, I am unable to report what this financial settlement means for SCC services. Quite unlike any other local authority, the SCC Conservative leadership refuse to provide any detailed Budget information at the time of setting the Council Tax. Headline financial figures are provided for services (Adult Social Care, Highways, Education etc.) but no details of how any changes to funding will affect individual service provision.
Residents’ Association County Councillors have, each year, argued for a more open and transparent Budget process but without success. This year I moved a Recommendation that data on savings and changes to services be provided with the Budget papers but the Conservatives voted that down on the instruction of their Leader.
This “trust me I’m a politician” attitude to determining the Council’s Budget is no way to run a Council’s finances and, at the SCC Budget setting Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th February, Residents’ Association County Councillors voted against the Budget. We refuse to vote for a Council Tax increase without knowing what our residents are going to get (or not get) for their money.
Council Tax
The Conservatives voted for a 3.99% council tax rise. This 3.99 % includes a 2% ‘levy’ which the Government has agreed can be applied by Councils that are providing Adult Social Care services, on the understanding that the money is only allocated to adult social care.
Over the next few months, and as details emerge about the changes to SCC’s services, I will update residents on the County Council’s plans.
County Councillor Eber A Kington